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Ship of 216 mtr capsizes in Antwerp
Jesse's funeral, murdred at school
Anniversary of oldest man of the Netherlands
first "trio-marriage" of Europe
Lost seal in bathtub
Prins Willem Alexander's ex-girlfriend gets married
well-known doll is amorous
Seals set free
Making of new "Plop" film
tax assessment for five years old boy
Woman saves baby duck of bludgeoned mother duck
Police look for dead baby on refuse dump
St Nicholas shows children around his house
Two deads at airoplaincrach
Busy Easter days
Tasting with milk on oldest cow
New road sign "forbidden  for musicians"
A small seizure from thousands pressphotos that I made. Sometimes nice  tasks but sometimes also photos which affected me personally.
action of greenpeace at chemical factory
army at war Kosovo
Big fuss of a penis in formalin
Beer for dogs for sale
Chicken lays giant egg